Ashita is developed with ❤️ by its core development team, and greatly enhanced by its various plugin
and addon
Below are lists of credits and shoutouts to the various people who have brought Ashita to life and continue its development.
Ashita is developed using the following tooling:
- Visual Studio 2022
- Visual Studio Code Insiders
- GitHub
The following extensions are used with Visual Studio Code
- C/C++ (Microsoft)
- CMake (twxs)
- CMake Tools (Microsoft)
- Even Better TOML (tamasfe)
- Instant Markdown (David Bankier)
- Lipsum Generator (Nino Maruszewski)
- Lua (sumneko)
- Lua Debug (actboy168)
Third-Party Libraries
Ashita is developed using the following thirdparty libraries:
Sugar Library Credits
The Sugar Lua library is made by atom0s
and is inspired by similar functional programming libraries for Lua:
- Metatable Abuse
- Functional Lua
- Misc References
Documentation Credits
Other Credits
- Project Icon (Moogle) - Unknown original creator. If you made the icon we use (found on a free icon website) please let me know who you are to give proper credits!
Lead Developers
- RZN (Retired, original creator of Ashita.)
- atom0s (Lead Developer)
- Thorny (aka Lolwutt, Core Contributor)
Addon & Plugin Developers (Third-party)
- Apogee
- BangPlaysGames, Bambooya, bluekirby0
- Drusciliana
- Farmboy0, Fel (aka zombie343), Flanagak
- h1pp0, Heals, Hypnotoad
- Jaza, Julian
- Lamalas
- MalRD, matix
- Nospheratu
- Praenuntiae
- Shinzaku, Shiyo (aka ShiyoKozuki), Spiken (aka Spike2D)
- TheMystic (aka lenonk)
- Venrell, Vicrelant
- Xenonsmurf
If you have contributed to Ashita, created an addon or plugin that is publicly available, or otherwise feel you should be listed on this page, please contact atom0s#0001
on Discord to be added properly.